PHOTOS: Toy Story Mania Reopens at Disney’s Hollywood Studios with New Queue Dividers and Social Distancing Measures

Howdy folks, and welcome back to Disney’s Hollywood Studios! We’re over in Toy Story Land to ride the wild Toy Story Mania attraction, and check out what new health and safety measures have been implemented on the attraction, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Grab your sanitised 3D glasses, and let’s go for a spin.

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toy story mania reopening exterior 2

Outside the attraction, behind the giant Luxo Ball, a gray hand washing and sanitiser station has been installed. This is very handy to use prior to riding Toy Story Mania, since those pop-guns are definitely what one would classify as a high touch point. We can also see the park safety regulations have been posted to the colorful trashcan.

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Approaching the ride, we can see Cast Members equipped with face masks and face shields waiting to greet guests, and advise us of the health and safety measures implemented on the ride.

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It is worth pointing out that the queue water fountain is still available for use.

toy story mania reopening

As we progress through the queue, we can see that new floor markers have been put in place, to advise guests of where to stand to maintain their social distancing from the parties in front.

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toy story mania reopening

These floor markers are present all throughout the queue. We can see that some parts of the queue have been blocked off, to avoid guests snaking closely up and down as they wait.

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toy story mania reopening

It is good to see Mr Potato Head again!

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toy story mania reopening

3D glasses are available to collect as usual. Since guests deposit their used glasses in bins outside of the attraction once they are finished, we cannot be fully sure of the cleaning procedures being implemented by Cast Members before they are restocked here.

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toy story mania reopening

As we approach the part of the queue where the line heads upstairs, we can see that brand-new Plexiglass screen dividers have been installed, to help protect guests as they line up in close proximity.

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These dividers span the entire upstairs section of the queue area.

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toy story mania reopening
toy story mania reopening
toy story mania reopening

As we head back downstairs, more dividers have been installed between each loading station for guests to stand between.

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toy story mania reopening
toy story mania reopening

The Cast Members in the loading section of the attraction are also equipped with face masks and shields.

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Unlike other attractions which have to leave spaces within the ride vehicles to help with social distancing, guests are seated back-to-back on Toy Story Mania, meaning the ride can fill up as usual.

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It is also worth mentioning that cleansing of the ride vehicles and guns is not taking place after each ride, however the vehicles are being sanitised intermittently throughout the day.

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toy story mania reopening

Thank you for joining us on this ride through Toy Story Mania!


  • Madeleine

    Madeleine writes from somewhere near Manchester, England. You can say hey by emailing or find me on Instagram @lily_mads30

2 thoughts on “PHOTOS: Toy Story Mania Reopens at Disney’s Hollywood Studios with New Queue Dividers and Social Distancing Measures”

  1. All 3-d Goggles across Property are sent to an onsite consolidation facility and are essentially washed in a high temperature dish washer of sorts. They are returned in their trays inside of larger plastic bags. They are about as safe as can be minus anyone touching or coughing on them. I would hope they had a glovedcast member handing them out as they sometimes do during high busy days.

  2. In terms of cleaning the glasses Disney have huge washing machines they invented themselves to clean their 3D glasses across all rides. They’re based at Epcot backstage and they’ve been cleaning them after use for years as far as I understand it.

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