Mama Melrose’s at Hollywood Studios To Offer Reduced Menu While Under Refurbishment

Beginning September 12th, Mama Melrose’s Ristorante Italiano at Disney’s Hollywood Studios will offer a temporary menu to accommodate a refurbishment of equipment in the kitchen.


The flatbreads typically on the menu at Mama Melrose’s will not be available during this time. The project will take 4 weeks to complete.


  • Tom Corless

    Tom has been regularly visiting the Walt Disney World® Resort from the time he was 4 months old. While he has made countless visits in the last 28 years, he did not become a truly active member in the Disney fan community until the summer of 2007, when he decided to launch the WDW News Today website and podcast. Tom has since become an Orlando-local and is a published author on Walt Disney World. Contact Tom at

10 thoughts on “Mama Melrose’s at Hollywood Studios To Offer Reduced Menu While Under Refurbishment”

  1. Cue the countdown to Disney-poo-pooers and complainers squawking “That FLATBREAD is the WHOLE REASON I traveled to the parks…Disney doesn’t CARE about people…why aren’t I getting stuff for FREE…CONSPIRACY!!”

    • Cue countdown to Disney PR to post on boards, and the overweight, poorly dressed complainers about people’s posts cuz to them Disney can never do wrong, is world class in service and guest satisfaction is their primary goal….anything else is CONSPIRACY. DOH Too late.

      • Absolutely! Somewhere someone is having a meltdown because they made an ADR JUST for those flatbreads, how dare they ?

        • Looks like the ONLY meltdowns here are from people passively aggressively speaking about others having a meltdown. Take a look in the mirror folks.

  2. temporary menu? is just the menu minus the flatbreads? If the refurbishment is on kitchen equipment or more i dont understand why it would take 4 weeks. I would imagine equipment maintenance or replacing kitchen equipment could be completed in a day or so.

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