PHOTOS: Splash Mountain Undergoing Significant Exterior Work During Annual Refurbishment at the Magic Kingdom

Kevin Lake

Scaffolding Around Splash Mountain

PHOTOS: Splash Mountain Undergoing Significant Exterior Work During Annual Refurbishment at the Magic Kingdom


How Do You Do? If you’re a fan of Splash Mountain, you’re probably anxiously waiting the attraction’s return. Its annual refurbishment, which was announced in October of last year, continues to flow along as significant exterior work is performed. The temporary closure began January 6 and will allow for cleaning and repairs to ride and show elements that are constantly exposed to water and the Florida climate.

Splash Mountain Refurbishment

Guests passing by Splash Mountain are greeted with walls surrounding a significant portion of the attraction. Several identical signs are posted on the walls, advising guests of the temporary closure.

Splash Mountain Is Closed For A Spell

The signs, which advise guests that the attraction “is closed for a spell,” promises it will return soon.

Scaffolding Around Splash Mountain

Quite a bit of scaffolding can be seen surrounding some of the exterior elements, and workers were on-site in several locations of the attraction performing varying types of work.

Splash Mountain Refurbishment Roof Shingle Work

Here we can see extensive work being done to the exterior of the barn, including removal of roof tiles and the underlying layers.

Splash Mountain Refurbishment

At the other end of the attraction, scaffolding also surrounds the tree holding multiple birdhouses.

Splash Mountain Refurbishment Drop Hill

At the ride path’s apex, we can see a piece of equipment mounted at the point in the track just before the drop. As you’d expect during a refurbishment, no water is flowing down the steep hill.

Bottom of Splash Mountain Drop Hill

At the bottom of the drop, there are multiple workers tending to the mechanisms that help slow ride vehicles after their 50-foot drop. A light can be seen illuminating the dark tunnel where the drop ends under a guest walkway.

Splash Mountain Ride Mechanism

Additional structural elements can be seen here, which appear rusted from the constant exposure to water and outdoor elements.

Splash Mountain Drained Track

Finally, in the hairpin turn immediately after the drop, the small amount of water seen is likely from recent rainfall.

While the attraction is down, both the Briar Patch gift shop and Laughing Place Play Area are open to guests.

This refresh project is expected to wrap up February 27, with the attraction reopening February 28. No significant changes to the attraction are expected.

1 thought on “PHOTOS: Splash Mountain Undergoing Significant Exterior Work During Annual Refurbishment at the Magic Kingdom”

  1. It’ll be neat to compare this with the list of maintenance items on this site, see if they fixed everything…

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