Disney Surveying Guests About Disney’s Animal Kingdom Attractions Being Iconic, Insensitive, or Boring

Shannen Michaelsen

Disney Surveying Guests About Disney’s Animal Kingdom Attractions Being Iconic, Insensitive, or Boring


Walt Disney World is reportedly sending surveys to recent guests about Disney’s Animal Kingdom attractions.

Expedition Everest with an empty train

In the survey, Disney asks guests how they feel about change at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, with the following answer options:

  • Change is good with few exceptions
  • Depends on the change, but I like it as long as I still enjoy it
  • Change is okay and it doesn’t bother me
  • I generally don’t like change

The survey then has a chart of Disney’s Animal Kingdom attractions, including everything from Expedition Everest to Conservation Station. Guests are given a list of traits and can select what they feel applies to each attraction. Options include insensitive, iconic, dated, boring, personal favorite, and immersive. Guests can also select “not familiar” or “none of these.”

For the past few years, Disney has been removing potentially insensitive elements from their parks to create a more inclusive environment. The most notable upcoming change is the removal of Splash Mountain in favor of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure.

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8 thoughts on “Disney Surveying Guests About Disney’s Animal Kingdom Attractions Being Iconic, Insensitive, or Boring”

  1. I try to just focus on the nostalgic magic from my grandparents taking me in the ‘80’s as a kid. There was something at the parks for everyone. Not everyone liked everything, they just did the things they liked. With this woke pandering they are only appealing to the over sensitive snowflakes who look for a reason to be offended by everything. Everyone needs to get over themselves and enjoy the parts of the park they enjoy. I dont see short lines on anything because of offended people. I see Disney looking to cause an issue when there isnt one for 95-98% of park goers. The rest just cannot be satisfied by anything…..ever. They are miserable and look for everyone else to join them. ENOUGH!!!!! Disney made a brand over many years without this nonsense and doesnt need it now.

  2. Between my husband and I – I think the Dinosaur land with the dated carnival rides and theming look very cheap against the rest of AK. My husband thinks Africa is very rundown – and at first wondered if it was just an old park. Learning that wasn’t the case, he thought that it was insulting that Africa was themed so poorly, literally. He’s referring to the shops and the quick service food area. If the Disney social media team is reading this – please remove the Dino carnival park area – give us more of an Indiana Jones ride vibe back there, including quick service, and can we fix up Africa? The rest of the park, we love.

    • You realize thats how Africa is supposed to look. Thats how it looked the day it opened run down just like a old village.

  3. worse than after some personal tragedy having some reporter shove a mic in your face asking “how do you feel right now?”. the sensetivity crowd needs some training on how to quit being sooo sensitive. going around constantly offended has to be exhausting.

  4. As extinct as the dinosaurs have become…I’d like to have them replaced with a bunch of old geezers sitting in Congress…throw in a couple young ones and maybe this park and country will survive.

  5. Well, thanks to this survey, I am now feeling even more inclined not to visit some place that has me walking on eggshells all the time, worried that someone, somewhere, in some way not yet thought of, will be offended.
    Basically, I’m offended by them. They talk of inclusion while paying the people sweating to death in those costumes a non-living wage. They make sure that it requires employees going on food stamps for the privilege of working there. They’re overstuffed with middle managers and overpaid executives that do nothing except steal merchandise out of the back of the buildings into the trunks of their cars. They claim to be for families and yet do nothing to truly support families. Never mind being woke, they haven’t reached even that point yet. They might think they have, but a company that treats their workers this way has lost the moral high ground to lecture, assume or survey ANYONE about anything being offensive. This company’s business practices is the most offensive part of the whole equation.

  6. A complete retheme of Dinoland is required. I’d love to see it rethemed to Indiana Jones but if nothing else it need a new attraction. I’d also love to see the river rapids attraction rethemed to Jungle Book. Let’s go guys.

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