CDC Expected To Recommend The Fully Vaccinated Resume Wearing Masks Indoors

Shannen Michaelsen

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CDC Expected To Recommend The Fully Vaccinated Resume Wearing Masks Indoors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is expected to recommend on Tuesday that people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 resume wearing masks indoors in certain situations. Specifically, those living with or in close contact with immunocompromised or unvaccinated people (such as children under 12) should resume wearing masks.

Though the CDC recently stated that they had no plans to change mask guidance, federal officials met Sunday night to review new scientific evidence, CNN reports.

In May, the CDC announced that vaccinated people did not need to wear masks in most indoor spaces. Today’s expected decision reversal comes as the COVID-19 cases, particularly of the Delta variant, rise in places like Florida, home of Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort. Recent reports suggest the Delta variant may be able to break through the vaccine barrier easier than other versions of the virus.

Orange County, Florida Mayor Jerry Demings has recommended individuals return to wearing masks indoors and businesses require them once again. Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort have yet to revert back to their previous mask requirements.

Source: New York Times


  • Shannen Michaelsen

    Shannen has been a Disney Parks fan and lover of dogs since childhood, despite Pluto's attempt to eat Shannen's Minnie Mouse doll the first time they met. They've made up now. You can email Shannen at

23 thoughts on “CDC Expected To Recommend The Fully Vaccinated Resume Wearing Masks Indoors”

  1. It was reported in both Orlando and in Houston that 99% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated. The vaccinated are not the problem here. If we get a breakthrough infection we get over it and move on.

    • Totally agree. Before the vaccinations I was all in on mask wearing, but now that I (and my family) are vaccinated I am done with it!
      How many months or years will we continue this nonsense? Mask on….Mask off…Mask on… Like a Karate Kid movie!
      Let folks make their own choices, where to go out to, what feels right and safe for them.

    • 3-5% of getting it without vaccine
      97% surviving the virus without vaccine
      56% chance of NOT getting the virus with Vitamin D – good old sunshine
      It’s a seasonal cold virus they expected a surge during the summer
      If your vaccinated why should you worry then?
      No masks! Period!

      • Why should the vaccinated wear masks? Because children under 12 cannot yet get the vaccine. Even if you are vaccinated you can still spread Covid-19. Wear a mask for the kids.

  2. just beyond stupid, vaccinated people should not have to wear masks. Mask lovers will be thrilled if and when announced.

  3. Ridiculous! Fear mongers. Let’s pick on Florida because we are scared of DeSantis taking over the liberals. Really sad this has all turned so political. What’s the incentive for people to get the vaccine if they still have to wear masks? Hopefully Disney wakes up and stops supporting the physco-path liberals

    • Did you actually read the article? I’m guessing not. It specifically states that “those living with or in close contact with immunocompromised or unvaccinated people (such as children under 12) should resume wearing masks.” Viral loads for even breakthrough cases with the Delta variant are high enough that there is reason to believe that they are capable of transmitting it to others, like the immunocompromised (who aren’t as responsive to the vaccine) and unvaccinated (like kids under 12 who can’t get the vaccine yet). Stop seeing politics as driving everything, it isn’t helping.

    • It also could be that FL has been responsible for 20% of the cases nationally. If people just got vaccinated we wouldn’t be dealing with this crap.

      It wasn’t that long ago everyone was “picking on” MI because of an uptick in cases. The solution is quite simple and has nothing to do with liberals or conservative just those resistant to getting past this.

  4. Thanks, antivaxxers! Your efforts to draw this pandemic out for as long as possible and reinstate all of the restrictions that you’ve been complaining about since day 1 have been a HUGE success!

    • But if one is vaccinated then one is presumably protected and immune to the virus. At least that is what the CDC website says. So people who have not vaccinated would not impact someone who has been vaccinated.

    • Thank you, young people to whom this virus poses little to no threat. Your freedoms make my fee-fees hurt.

    • But if one is vaccinated then one is presumably protected and immune to the virus. At least that is what the CDC website says. So people who have not vaccinated would not impact someone who has been vaccinated.

  5. Ok First of all CDC says SOME vaccinated individuals should wear them in CERTAIN situations indoors that is what the reporting is.
    Second of all a virus that wants to burn itself out is being thwarted by “all good intentions” Let the variant burn itself out and let us all move on!
    CDC is GUIDANCE NOT LAW! enough already really!

  6. There is literally a zero percent chance that my wife and I mask in our own home, let alone ask our children to mask. That is absolutely ludicrous. And totally unsupported by all the available scientific data. As is asking vaccinated people to wear masks anywhere.

    And I can tell you that there is no way we will make a trip to Walt Disney World if they go back to requiring masks. I suspect many other people feel the same way. Vaccines are widely available and effective. The time for masks is over.

  7. Never going to happen. I got the shot. I am done. This will only hurt vaccination rates. This will prove to the unvaccinated that there is no point getting it

  8. I have nothing against people that get the shot. I have nothing against people that dont get the shot. I can see both sides of the argument. Some people want to be as safe as possible by taking the shot. They should not need masks as they are supposed to be safe since they are vaccinated. On the other hand, the folks who dont want the shot, should have no affect on the ones that got the shot. There are a lot of side effects that some people experience that are not being advertised. This shot was also created and delivered within 6-8 months. All other medicines/drugs/vaccines go through years of testing to learn the long term side effects. This shot has not been around long enough to even know if there are long term side effects. Hopefully there are none. But both sides have a valid argument and the decisions of one should not affect the other. Shot getters should be safe. Non shot getters can take their chances. End of story.

  9. This is absolutely absurd. Masks do NOTHING. WDW can keep their parks and their cruise lines and serve all the left wing liberal woke folks. Our large family is done…not that they care. I won’t spend another dime on a vacation that treats its guests like criminals. NO THANKS!

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