California On Pace to Drop Tier Restrictions and Capacity Limits by June 15, Disneyland May Open to Out-of-State Guests


Main street station disneyland

California On Pace to Drop Tier Restrictions and Capacity Limits by June 15, Disneyland May Open to Out-of-State Guests

California Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Mark Ghaly stated Tuesday that the state is on pace to drop tier restrictions and capacity limits; including a near elimination of the state-wide mask mandate.

Main street station disneyland

California Governor Gavin Newsom stated in April that the state economy could completely reopen by June 15, provided that current health trends continued. Dr. Ghaly stated that as of May, California is on track to meet that goal.

Governor Newsom went on to state that by June 15, the California mask mandate will almost completely go away. The only exception will be large indoor events where “people from around the world” are in the same place together.

Although the state of California might make changes to the mask mandate and capacity restrictions on June 15, it remains to be seen if Disneyland or Universal Studios Hollywood will follow suit. California recently announced that out-of-state visitors were welcome at theme parks, but Disneyland hasn’t begun allowing such visitors.

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  • Justin Giglio

    Justin has been visiting the Walt Disney World® Resort since he was 2 years old. He considers Powerline to be the songbird of his generation. Contact Justin at

6 thoughts on “California On Pace to Drop Tier Restrictions and Capacity Limits by June 15, Disneyland May Open to Out-of-State Guests”

  1. Going to be sad if California of all places becomes less restrictive than DW in Flordia.

    It’s time to drop the mask mandate outside. Read the science. It’s pointless and it’s cruel for all the employees and children at the park.

    • There’s a phrase I never thought I’d hear:

      Going to be sad if California of all places becomes less restrictive than DW in Flordia.”

      Are you being for real? You like government restrictions? In America? The land of the free? Even the CDC is expected to announce a major relaxation of restrictions soon.

      • Seatbelts are government restrictions. Shirts and shoes required in businesses is a government restriction. Speed limits are a government restriction. Laws against driving under the influence are government restrictions. Laws against theft are government restrictions. Don’t come at us with “Waah, waah, the government is making rules (hint: that’s their job, and it’s why we have elections).

        That being said, you must have made this comment early in the day. Because the CDC has relaxed mask restrictions as of last evening. And here in Nevada, the state (including the Gaming Control Board, who have fined the casino at which I work MANY times, including $30,000 for one person who pulled down their mask to be heard by a friend a couple slot machines away and then pulled it right back up, which cost us $30,000 for somehow not preventing it from happening because a Gaming agent was in the building, saw it, and took a photo of the mask being down) has followed suit. I no longer have to be the mask police at work, which makes me very happy (I HATED being “that guy” who had to hound people over masks, but I had no choice). And yes, I’m just as angry as you that we were fined over something we had no way of controlling. But I don’t have to worry about these types of fines anymore.

        What other states do, and what private businesses do, and what our guests do, is on them now. Same for people who refuse to get vaccinated but will say they are vaccinated to get around the mask mandate. For me, I’m just glad I can stop being the mask police. If you aren’t wearing a mask, I get to assume your vaccinated (and hope that you are indeed are). I get to stop spending half my night being the mask police.

        I am fully vaccinated, being more than two weeks from my second Pfizer dose.

        At this point, people have had a chance to get vaccinated. I will still wear my mask for a while longer while I see whether the numbers go up or down with the new rules (and to protect those who, for whatever reason, CANNOT get vaccinated), and it is now MY choice, not mandated. And you not wearing a mask is your choice, and if you’re in my place of work, I don’t have to be “that guy” and ask you to put a mask on, saving BOTH of us some frustration.. I’m SO glad I don’t have to be the mask police anymore, and that we can both make our own decisions on this front.

        No matter whether we want masks or not (“i’m GLAD to see them go away for vaccinated people, and frankly am at the end of my rope for those who I know will claim vaccination after telling me for months that they won’t get vaccinated) that I’m not going to question anyone from here on out, we are all very frustrated right now. So heck it, I’m not asking anyone whether they’re vaccinated. I’m just glad that Gaming gave me an out on this, and I can stop babysitting the three year-olds who refuse to keep others safe. I’ve had enough of them and I’m just going to assume their vaccinated, since our regulatory body also isn’t going to ask for proof. Personal responsibility is the order of the day now. And if they catch/spread this virus, that’s on them. I’m done taking responsibility for the actions of others. I cannot handle the stress of protecting people from fools anymore. That’s not what I signed up for when I took this job.

  2. If you’re republican you hate masks, vaccines and government, and don’t believe in Covid.
    If you’re democrat you wear masks, get vaccinated and listen to the goverment and believe in Covid and science.

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