REVIEW: Say “Bello!” to the Minion Splash (with Ramune) at Universal Studios Japan

Summertime in Osaka (and throughout Japan really) is known for its brutal heat and humidity. So whenever you visit Universal Studios Japan, naturally you want to cool down and relax with a sweet treat to beat the heat! And while there’s a number of cute snacks, you can’t miss the fun drinks like the Minion Splash, available at Fast Louie’s in New York. Let’s take a taste, shall we?

Minion Splash – ¥650 ($6.14)

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There’s a number of on-the-go treats you can grab at Fast Louie’s, including a Sofrozen and the endearing Minion Cream Puffs, but we’re here for the Minion Splash!

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USJ MinionSplash 1

The drink comes in these adorable themed cups with Minions, bubbles, and starbursts all over the cup! Always a huge plus if a drink comes in its own themed cup, if you ask me.

There’s a very clear divide between the orange soda on top and the ramune soda-flavored jelly on the bottom. It takes some effort to mix the two together, since the jelly tends to stick together. But it’s worth it, unless you’d rather just drink all the jelly at once before even starting the drink!

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How’s the taste? Well, it’s nothing particularly special or mind-blowing, but by no means is it bad! It’s just Kirin Orange soda with some ramune (Japanese lemon-lime soda) and a few boba pearls in there. One of the huge pluses, I will say, is that they used massive ice cubes rather than the small crushed ice cubes common in boba drinks. Not only does it water down the drink slower, but it makes the process of finishing off those last jelly cubes and boba pearls infinitely simpler. There’s also a nice little orange wedge garnish in the drink.

Would I recommend you spend $6 on this drink? Probably not. If you hold an Annual Pass and get a discount, then by all means it becomes more affordable. But there’s cuter and more unique or appealing drinks nearby. Maybe get this one just for the cup? You can find the Minion Splash at Fast Louie’s in New York, just across from Minion Park at Universal Studios Japan through the summer.


  • Spencer Lloyd

    Spencer Lloyd is a college student/parks addict living in Tokyo. He runs, a comprehensive source for information and travel planning related to Tokyo Disney Resort. And fun fact, he is the only person in history to have been in the same ride vehicle as Tom Corless.