With new health and safety guidelines in place at Walt Disney World, entertainment offers have changed as well. We already covered the social distancing measures put in place at the Caravan Theater, and now we have photos and video of the theater’s new show.

“UP! A Great Bird Adventure” has been performed in the Caravan Theater for the last few years, but for now, “Feathered Friends in Flight” will be taking over with a more socially distant show. Russell and Dug no longer appear, instead there are just a couple of Cast Members.

When a Cast Member ventures into the audience, they put on a mask.

When asking for audience participation where a bird flies through guests’ arms, the Cast Members specifically ask for two guests who are in the same party and sitting together. They used to have entire rows of guests stand and create a tunnel together.

We caught these great shots of the milky eagle owl soaring over the audience.

Despite the new show, signage outside still advertises “UP! A Great Bird Adventure”, which is why we didn’t realize the show had changed when we made our last post.
Watch our video of a full “Feathered Friends in Flight” performance below!