PHOTOS: Disney’s Animal Kingdom Reopening Arrival Experience Walk-Through – From Parking to the Tree of Life


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PHOTOS: Disney’s Animal Kingdom Reopening Arrival Experience Walk-Through – From Parking to the Tree of Life


“Welcome to a kingdom of animals… real, ancient, and imagined” -Michael D. Eisner, April 22, 1998. Though this wild park has been closed for months, it reopened yesterday for Annual Passholder previews. We were there to give you a first-hand look at what to expect as you enter Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

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As you can see, there are neon green cones blocking the parking lot when we drove by at 7:00am, preventing us from pulling towards the parking lot. We were told to come back at 7:30am when cars would be allowed to line up at the toll booths to enter the parking lot.

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At 7:30am cars began lining up at the booths, though most still had red lights above, indicating that lane was currently closed. Holding people at the gate in their cars helps to prevent too many people walking to the park entrance at one time and waiting in large crowds before the park opens. A safer way to wait for park open indeed.

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All lane lights turn green at 7:40am, our passes were scanned, and we were directed through.

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3BD3183A 6608 43C2 B31B 2D718013E8BA

Cast members directed cars to park in every other spot to prevent too many people from exiting their cars at the same time in close quarters. The spaces in between were filled in afterwards.

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We were greeted by cast members who gave us plenty of cheerful waves and “welcome backs”. We noticed a few carrying cute character smiles on sticks for them to show us how even though you cannot see their own smiles behind the masks, they were there as usual.

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E9B66F84 FA64 4608 A90A A482F612998F

The small kiosk where we would get our maps and daily schedule was completely covered.

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The day started off a bit rainy but we were so excited to be back we didn’t care!

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BE039F2D F757 495A B478 7476A537B648
AEEC2112 AC26 4AD5 92E9 6AB6C485252D
D63FFCA9 5B1C 4073 B7C5 F496FF2AD8FD

The small merchandise cart next to Guest Relations was also covered. You may notice social distancing floor markers leading towards the Guest Relations building.

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All Guest Relations services are operating as usual, including the Disability Access Service.

1AA4663A 692C 4A9F 9769 FEC0950DB6A4
242BF42D 6E44 4358 AAAA 3A1ECC0CB4A8

Inside you can see social distance markers on the ground, indicating where guests should stand in line. There are also green dots in front of the desks that show where each group should stand. Clear plexiglass barriers separate guests and Cast Members. As you exit there is a hand sanitizer dispenser. Cast members often point out these dispensers for your use whenever entering and exiting the buildings.

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This green and white floor marker lets you know entrances and exits are one way only. You will see these throughout the park, helping to control foot traffic into and out of each building.

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A50023A0 0E55 4D10 BE1B 0A6921B0477F
A8245EB5 F7CC 486E 8760 929846044E59
86D35069 E29A 4A5C 9E73 E6DD8C3C6373

On the other side of the park entrance are stroller, ECV, and locker rentals. We see the familiar floor markers spaced 6 feet apart. There is also a grey hand washing station instead of the more common hand sanitizer dispenser.

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8120F12F 70D5 49B2 BB4F A210B31D369D

As you leave the main entrance area, you can see some beautiful animals such as macaws or babirusa. Signs line the fence reminding people that while we all want to get a look at our favorite critters, it is important not to gather in one place to maintain social distancing.

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The wilderness can still be explored! We have 6 foot markers placed leading up to the Wilderness Explorers Headquarters coming from two sides.

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EF549D1B DCA1 4BF5 81C3 286EEFDB7B29

Instead of an exit floor marker, we saw an exit sign on an A-frame board. This could allow two separate lines leading up to the headquarters for new Wilderness Explorers to begin their journey towards earning their first badges.

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Safety guidelines are posted in many places in the park including on the sides of trash bins. Remember to wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, and seek medical attention if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms!

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Here we have another hand washing station outside of Riverside Depot.

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8F312E93 2084 4F49 8295 8A1E96B79159

Riverside Depot is open while Island Mercantile remains closed.

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760F24C4 99DC 4787 990E 056E58C51D02

All this leads up to the breath-taking park icon, the Tree of Life! It feels so good to be home! Take a look at what it was like arriving at Magic Kingdom yesterday by clicking here. Let us know if you will be visiting Disney’s Animal Kingdom soon in the comment section below.


  • MissAlison

    Miss Alison moved from New York to Florida in 2018 with her husband. She one day hopes to become a sign language interpreter for Walt Disney World and own a guinea pig. Contact her at

1 thought on “PHOTOS: Disney’s Animal Kingdom Reopening Arrival Experience Walk-Through – From Parking to the Tree of Life”

  1. Post is talking about washing hands, cover mouth and nose if coughing or sneezing and seek medical attention if experiencing fly like symptoms. I would like very much to know what fly like symptoms are.

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