No NBA Players Have Tested Positive for COVID-19 Since July 13 Inside Walt Disney World “Bubble”

Shannen Michaelsen

Updated on:

No NBA Players Have Tested Positive for COVID-19 Since July 13 Inside Walt Disney World “Bubble”


On July 13, the NBA and NBPA announced that two players had tested positive for COVID-19 and had returned home to isolate per CDC guidelines. Since then, all 346 players in the Walt Disney World “bubble” have been tested again and all tests came back negative.

Of the 346 players tested for COVID-19 on the NBA campus since test results were last announced on July 13, zero have returned confirmed positive tests.

In the event that a player on the NBA campus returns a confirmed positive test in the future, he will be isolated until he is cleared for leaving isolation under the rules established by the NBA and the Players Association.

NBA players within the Disney bubble are currently staying at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, Disney’s Yacht Club Resort, and Gran Destino Tower at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort.