BREAKING: Walt Disney World Resort to Present Reopening Dates to Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force Tomorrow

Jessica Figueroa

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BREAKING: Walt Disney World Resort to Present Reopening Dates to Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force Tomorrow

With the phased reopening of Disney Springs now underway, we are one step closer to knowing when Walt Disney World will be reopening. Walt Disney World and Sea World will be delivering reopening presentations to the Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force group tomorrow. These presentations must include planned reopening dates.


Disney Parks has announced the proposal publicly ahead of tomorrow’s presentation.

The virtual presentation will be given by Jim MacPhee, Senior Vice President of Operations of Walt Disney World Resort, and will cover the company’s proposed phased reopening approach. The meeting begins at 10:00 AM and will be aired on Orange TV.

Reopening plans will require endorsement from the Orange County Mayor before they can be submitted to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for final approval. At this time, all Walt Disney World parks and resort hotels remain closed.

Disney Springs began its phased reopening last Wednesday with third-party restaurants and stores now able to abide by the new increased capacity limits. Starting on tomorrow, on May 27, Disney-owned shops and eateries will also reopen under the new guidelines.


  • Jessica Figueroa

    Jessica lives in South Florida with her 15-pound cat Gordo and a small army of Tsum Tsums. You can contact her, ideally with photos of your cats, at

9 thoughts on “BREAKING: Walt Disney World Resort to Present Reopening Dates to Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force Tomorrow”

  1. Our payment for our late June trip is due tomorrow. I’m going to hold off paying or cancelling until after the announcement. But we’ll probably end up cancelling this trip for the 2nd time

    • I hear you loud and clear Jake. I changed my trip to September 2021. All my travel plans for this year is canceled.

    • And they’re pointless. Masks do nothing to protect the wearer from getting sick, it’s only slightly useful if you’re trying not to get others sick. And since we’re being temperature screened anyway, it’s obvious who’s sick and who’s not. And you can’t wear masks and eat, so anyone who’s dining will have to go maskless until they’re finished.

      • Hi Robert: I”m an RN and masks are primarily for protecting yourself as well as others around you. We nurses have to wear the full regalia for our protection When we work ICU. True,masks can be very uncomfortable, but try using a carbon mask.. they have great ventilation and wonderful filters that keep out the COVD germs. Have a Great day! Stay well, stay healthy!

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