PHOTOS: New Directional Decals Added to Gateway Gifts, Illuminated Infinity Mirror Signs Installed Inside Pin Traders at EPCOT

Jessica Figueroa

PHOTOS: New Directional Decals Added to Gateway Gifts, Illuminated Infinity Mirror Signs Installed Inside Pin Traders at EPCOT

“Decals, but make them futuristic.”Ā It seems a new set of signage now decorates the exterior and interior of the newly-renovated entrance shops at EPCOT, starting with a bold red decal on the exterior of Gateway Gifts, where the base of Spaceship Earth is. Inside the new Pin Traders and Camera Center, cool new infinity mirror signs give the store an elevated, futuristic look. Let’s check out the new signs.

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Here you have the exterior decal, which points guests on this side over to Mission: SPACE, the EPCOT Experience, Mouse Gear, and World Showcase. These decals will be especially useful once the bypass walkways open on each side of Spaceship Earth. As work ramps up in the middle of Future World, guests will have to choose-their-own-adventure and head to what remains of either Future World West or Future World East via these bypasses. The East walkway has yet to open as concrete work continues adjacent to Gateway Gifts.

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Across the breezeway, these new infinity mirror signs grace each side of the new Camera Center and Pin Traders shop.

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Between the ring of light and the mirror, it gives the illuminated signage an infinity tunnel look. The signs are also etched with the classic EPCOT logo.

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For reference, here’s what these signs looked like previously, when the store first opened after refurbishment:

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What do you think of all the new signage popping up around EPCOT? With all the construction going on, guests will need as much help wayfinding as possible.


  • Jessica Figueroa

    Jessica lives in South Florida with her 15-pound cat Gordo and a small army of Tsum Tsums. You can contact her, ideally with photos of your cats, at