PHOTOS: Planters Emerge As Section of New Magic Kingdom Entrance Opens; Security Screening Area Nearing Completion

Jessica Figueroa

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PHOTOS: Planters Emerge As Section of New Magic Kingdom Entrance Opens; Security Screening Area Nearing Completion


A new set of planters has emerged at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom, a first phase opening of the current arrival experience enhancements taking over all entry points to the park.

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Gone is the fencing and scrim that enveloped the area up to today. Now, two large, circular planters covered in poinsettias welcome guests as they arrive by monorail, ferry, and resort boats.

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Both planters are visible overhead from the monorail, and you can see that behind the remaining fenced-in portions, work is still underway for three additional more planters.

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These new planters come at the loss of the old Walk Around The World bricks, which are being removed across the entire entrance. Fresh red concrete has been poured over where the bricks were previously.

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A decorative metal grate is embedded at the base of the planter for any water runoff. Previously, puddles and flooding used to be a big issue at the park’s entrance area.

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These bright red poinsettias make a great holiday accent.

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Behind the planters, work continues on the dock improvements.

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The new security screening area that was erected along the monorail line is now lined with metal barricades, signaling that it may open any day now.

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Finishing touches are still being installed on the small booths that bookend the structure.

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What do you think of the new planters added to the entrance to the Magic Kingdom? Do you still miss your Walk Around The World bricks, or are you looking forward to a refreshed arrival experience? Let us know in the comments.

4 thoughts on “PHOTOS: Planters Emerge As Section of New Magic Kingdom Entrance Opens; Security Screening Area Nearing Completion”

  1. Looks great! And the planters can double as seating while you wait for the rest of your party to get through security.

  2. Great looking planters. Went there on December 7 and my brick is still there……very close to the edge!

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