Good morning, Users! Construction on TRON Lightcycle Run at the Magic Kingdom is really coming along with all this coding, I mean, track work. The massive coaster is set to open at the Magic Kingdom in 2021. Just earlier we saw work continuing along on the show building, but now we see the first piece of exterior track being laid. Let’s take a closer look at what’s just been added.
As we can see here, the first piece of track is being installed on the support beams that we spotted being erected a few weeks ago. The white piece of track is being carefully placed as we went by on the Peoplemover.
As you can see, this section is coming straight out of the show building and will lead guests aboard the coaster under the canopy that will be installed later, but over guests entering and leaving the ride.
Here’s a closer look at the track emerging from the show building from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. This section emerges from the launch at the beginning of the ride, leading guests off onto the outdoor portion of Lightcyle Power Run.
It’s a little bit clearer to see here, now that we can see exactly where these two pieces meet up from the show building to the outside of the attraction.
The track is being assembled in pieces and then attached to each support beam, as we can see here.
Here’s a closer look at the “programmers” attaching the pieces together. This also gives us a little bit of a size perspective from the construction worker to the actual size of the coaster track.
If you’re curious how all of this will look when finished, check out our video below on the TRON Lightcycle Power Run Ride in Shanghai Disneyland.
Hopefully this gives you the same excitement as the ride will until it finally opens, but until then, keep checking back with WDWNT for the latest construction updates.