PHOTO REPORT: Disney Springs 9/29/19 (New Christmas Figurines, Haunted Mansion Holiday Wishables, Crowds, and More!)


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PHOTO REPORT: Disney Springs 9/29/19 (New Christmas Figurines, Haunted Mansion Holiday Wishables, Crowds, and More!)


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We recently stopped by Disney Springs on a weekday afternoon to check out what was going on and to see what might be new and exciting! Let’s have a look…

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We started near the Lime Garage. On our trip, we passed by Blaze and there was no line! Mind you, this was at noon (lunch time). Not often do you walk by this place and not see a line…

FD844D6C 1641 4023 813F DAE4E59551F6 There was no one in sight down here!

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Where is everybody? This was at Marvel Superhero Headquarters – this store is always packed! Not today…

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8114644A 3543 4E5E 8B76 C8CA790DF2C7

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Over at the Star Wars Galactic Outpost, we found some newer additions to the Star Wars Black Series action figure collection.

65A49974 F6B6 4785 94EA C796407CB5F96E5F2C9A D12C 4881 91F6 02B72F4C292D

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This wall can be found at Disney Style on the West Side of Disney Springs, currently it features Disney Villains for Halloween time. This wall changes whenever the showcased theme of merchandise is changed in the store.

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A nice view of Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa from Disney Springs West Side.

8A0DA1B2 EB16 4A94 95CC 902CD3FBFA15

Love this weather vane on top of the B.B. Wolf’s Sausage Company stand over near T-Rex Cafe and the Lego Store.

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Inside the Lego Store there was an informational sign with just some of the Triple Force Friday weekend happenings at Disney Springs!

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Nice promo the Lego Store is currently running, these offers aren’t around too frequently, so take advantage of them when you see them!

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The infamous Lego Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer ship. This baby costs $699.99 and is 4,784 pieces!

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Over at the Ganachery, there are these new Maleficent piñatas. This is a 65% dark chocolate dome filled with sweet treats. The cost is $25.

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A closer look…

2F62922A 33F9 4941 A50A F0A33D892D77

No trip to Disney Springs is complete without a stop at World of Disney!

43022297 DAF7 4FD6 BAEA 92A3CF425772

AF3BCD65 E7EC 473D 948E 5E8A1CE15AAF

Not very crowded in here either…

47EBC03B B61F 4BC4 8414 6A064ACE2A94

Gotta get that free piece of chocolate over at the Ghirardelli store!

252CC36E 1E0A 425C 9762 493B6414162A

Current sample at the store is the milk chocolate caramel square. Delicious…

948886C9 9EFE 4E1F A42C 6C0F73715108

Checkout the new Ghirardelli sundae holiday ornament. The cost of this is $19.95.

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Let’s see what’s new at Days of Christmas.

disney wishables plush haunted mansion holiday october 2019 17

You’re jokin’, you’re jokin’! We can’t believe our eyes… Why yes, we stumbled upon the newest set of Disney Parks Wishables plush. This is the October release. Read more about it here!

070E68F6 9147 4F8C 826A CA739E7F1F02

Also at Days of Christmas we found this mini retro ceramic light up Christmas tree. Estimated height is about 10”. The price is only $44.99!

19629E68 587C 4232 9B89 4C0E3EB026B7

Last stop, the Art of Disney! Here we found several new Christmas figurines, all pictured below. Read here for all the details!

art of disney christmas figuines 8

art of disney christmas figuines 2art of disney christmas figuines 3art of disney christmas figuines 12

All such great pieces this year!

That about wraps up the latest photo report at Disney Springs, thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next photo report from WDWNT!

3 thoughts on “PHOTO REPORT: Disney Springs 9/29/19 (New Christmas Figurines, Haunted Mansion Holiday Wishables, Crowds, and More!)”

  1. Everyone is either in line at Pandora or they have postponed their vacation until Star Wars land is completely open in December.

  2. Andrew, can you go by D-tech next time and see if they are making phone covers for Samsung S-10 yet? Great walk around, going to get the Jim Shore.

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