It’s an exciting time over by Cinderella Castle and the pathway widening project! Trees have been planted and more fresh concrete has been poured, which means we are getting very close to getting this shortcut of a pathway back!
Earlier this week, concrete was poured along the newly-leveled pathway. The newest patches of concrete are the darkest red in the photo. As it dries, it will continue to get a lighter color until it matches the concrete at the top of the photo.
It’s looking like they’re mostly finishing up work on the new wall that borders the pathway. All of the brick and rock work appears to be close to done, with all of the bricks painted their varying shades of red to help make them look more authentic (we watched them draw the brick lines into the concrete wall.)
It looks like fencing has been put in place along the whole path now, too. I like the new gold railing on the path closest to Fantasyland, but I am still holding out a bit of hope for the return of at least one of the wrought iron benches, at least in that little alcove at the end of the brick part. It would match the wrought iron railing that tops it, so it just makes sense. Just saying.
One of the last things we’ve seen them working on is the brick work underneath this scaffolding, but from what we can see today, that appears to look pretty finished, too.
There’s quite a lot of debris and equipment hanging out in the bottom of the Cinderella Castle moat right now. They’re trying to keep it hidden with all of those go away green tarps and boxes, but it looks a little haphazard and messy.
Just yesterday, we saw the addition of trees to the pathway. These are sure to provide some shade for guests who want to admire the castle during the day.
We can’t wait to see this new and improved pathway open up at Magic Kingdom, and with the holiday season in full swing now at Magic Kingdom with Halloween Parties already started, it can’t open soon enough.
As usual, keep checking WDWNT for all of the latest updates to this project!
Benches dont make money.
I was wondering if you think you will be able to see the bridge if near the castle on the new path or will the trees be in the way? I love watching parades and rainy day parades from that location.
At ropedrop today the pathway was open all the way from Sleepy Hollow to Bibbity Bobbitty Boutique.