PHOTOS: Live Action Aladdin Preview Debuts at Walt Disney Presents in Disney’s Hollywood Studios


PHOTOS: Live Action Aladdin Preview Debuts at Walt Disney Presents in Disney’s Hollywood Studios


Today, an all-new preview for Disney’s upcoming live action film Aladdin debuted inside Walt Disney Presents at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The preview is approximately 10 minutes long and runs continuously throughout the day. In the waiting area outside the theater, Jasmine’s dress is on display. Outside the attraction, new signs have gone up replacing the old Dumbo posters. Let’s take a look inside.

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aladdin walt disney presents

Some banners and posters are featured outside the main entrance to promote the new preview.

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The doors to the theater are decorated with character posters from the movie.

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Jasmine’s screen-used dress is on display in the waiting area outside the theater.

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Aladdin opens May 24th in theaters across the country, and you can catch the limited time preview at Hollywood Studios through its release!